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Shopping for Furniture: A Blog of Tips, Deals and Advice

When you shop for furniture, you have to think about everything. Do you often have guests who perch on the arms of chairs at parties? Do your kids flip over the backs of sofas? Are you prone to spilling on your furniture and need a stain-resistant fabric? Your life and your style goals matter a lot in the process. However, there are also objective ways to save money and ensure quality. Hi, my name is Allie, and I love shopping, decorating, writing and creating a fun but functional home for my family. In my furniture blog, I want to combine it all, and I hope these posts help you.

Shopping for Furniture: A Blog of Tips, Deals and Advice

Advice on how to properly fit out your shop

by Elsa Jarvela

Despite the ever growing trend of people doing their shopping online, there is still a place for physical stores in today's market. Consumers often prefer to see the item in the flesh before making a purchase in order to see if it fits their exact requirements. It is more important than ever that your shop is fitted out optimally as you need to employ every possible tactic in order to attract new customers into the shop.

It can be an expensive process, which is why it is vital that you get it right the first time around and don't need to make subsequent alterations. Here is some advice to keep in mind during the commercial fitout process.

Product placement

You want to have your high ticket items in areas that will receive the most foot traffic, increasing the chance of making a sale. You should also have your cheaper items and discounted products near the store front with clear signage so passers-by will see the great prices and will be more likely to enter the store as a result.

When people enter a store, they often turn to the right hand side first so you should always place your more enticing displays and products over there. The premium products should be positioned at eye level and enticing items and displays need to be placed at the end of the aisles in order to entice the customers to make an impulse purchase.

Directing traffic

You should be subconsciously leading the consumer on a meandering journey around the store, increasing the amount of exposure they have to your range of products.

Your goal should always be to increase the amount of time people are browsing around your shop as the longer they are in the store, the greater chance there is of them actually making a purchase.


You should ensure that you don't try to squeeze too many items into the store. You want to have aisles that are wide enough for shoppers to walk through without bumping off the shelves or fellow shoppers. There should be enough room for baby strollers and wheelchairs to move around.

It is important that you provide some sort of seating for the shoppers as they often need to rest their tired feet. This will allow them to look around the store and have something catch their eye that they had previously missed. It can even provide a nice area for husbands and partners to sit while their significant other can shop with peace and quiet.
